More About me

My name is Reetu Verma and I am an author, speaker and a life experience coach. Besides being all of these which has been my passion, I have also worked as a Strategic HR leader for corporate for 21 years until 2018, where coaching was also a crucial part of my role. I have extensively traveled to 14 countries and have impacted more than 25000 lives through my professional, personal & social initiatives. I am also an author on THRIVE GLOBAL media platform. I also contribute to the HR fraternity as a Volunteer with HR SUCCESS TALK, a global HR Community, in the capacity of State President – Delhi Chapter.

I am passionate about making a positive difference in people’s lives. Nothing satisfies me more than to help someone find life in their life, a solution to their problem, clarity in their confusion, light in their darkness, hope in their despair, and strength in their being.

GET SORTED  is my personal brand because that’s what resonates perfectly with who I am as a person and the contribution that I do for the society, be it through my books, podcast & my coaching sessions & programs.

My first book is called GET SORTED – Your truth is what you want to see, reality may be different. My second book is in writing and I plan to write a series of books to help people get sorted in different crucial areas of life.

Transformation Life Experience Coach | Author | Strategic HR Leader | People expert

What made me chose to do what I do –

It is in our minds that we live our 85% of life. Our mind is so powerful that it can create an experience that may mean you your truth but in reality, it may just be completely different or in some cases may not even exist.

Everyone faces some or the other tragedies in their lives – be it small or big. But what if I tell you that I had lived through the mother of all tragedies for 16 long years during the most precious & sensitive phase of my life…my childhood & my teens.  And that mother of all tragedies was that there was no tragedy in real but I experienced and lived through an intense emotional and psychological life and missed on the real life.

I was born to one of the most loving parents on the planet but have no idea how I got stuck with a psychological condition called middle child syndrome where from the day I remember my childhood, I had lived through an intense belief of being unloved, unwanted, second priority and suffered through an emotional distress where my mind supported me to such an extent that I could literally find evidences that supported my belief. I had prayed for death every single day until 16th year of my life when my parents discovered the potential suffering that I was going through and without wasting any time to find logic in it, they dedicated themselves in showing me their love, paying more attention to me and doing whatever it took them to help me with my situation. My life changed as my mind learned to see love in what they did. But until then, the 16 most precious years of my life were gone in praying for death. No childhood & teenage memories that I carry.

But it’s not important what happened, what is important is how my mind operated which made me realize how powerful it is that it can make you experience life as your truth that may not be real. And so many more such incidences in life where every time I realized the power of mind that plays games and we land up losing a beautiful life experience.

And after that realization and a lot more situations in life that inspired me, I feel bothered to see people wasting their life by only having one way of looking at things while having so many different perspectives that can give them a happier life experience that they tend to ignore.

Humans have tendencies to complicate matters to win arguments, protect their egos, and feel powerful to dictate the terms of lives of people around them and in the process miss out on the real essence of life that they aspire to.

And so I believe everyone needs a coach who can help them see what they themselves are not able to see, hold their hand, and help them discover themselves better.

So helping people to discover the roots of what is it that they really want, uncomplicate the matters in their life to take decisions that serve them, and chose experiences of life irrespective of the situations around them became my passion so that at the later point in time, there are no regrets. And hence, my mission is to help people get sorted at their thoughts & emotional levels, move beyond regrets and egos and live a life of their chosen emotion/value.

Transformational Life Experience Coach

  • Certified Master Behavioural & EI Coach
  • Certified Counseling practitioner
  • Certified NLP Practitioner